Kaiser Permanente states that its mission is to provide affordable, high-quality health care services and improve its members health, as well as that of the communities served by the company. Guided by its commitments to social purpose, physician responsibility for clinical care, and the strong partnership between the health plan and provider groups, Kaiser Permanente hopes to lead the world in improving health and health care. Kaiser identifies integrated care as one of the key features of its health care system. With Kaiser Permanente, members are receiving more than just insurance. Kaiser members are given access to a system of preventive, routine, emergency, and hospital care.
Kaiser Permanente is the largest nonprofit health plan in the country, serving over eight million people in nine states and the District of Columbia. Kaiser is devoted to the needs of its members, rather than its shareholders, because it is a nonprofit organization. The integrated health system provided by Kaiser Permanente offers members preventive care, well-baby and prenatal care, immunizations, emergency care, screening diagnostics, hospital and medical services, as well as pharmacy services.
Kaiser Permanente is dedicated to serving the communities of its members, in addition to the members themselves. Some community activities organized by Kaiser include providing assistance to the uninsured and special populations, training new health care professionals, introducing new delivery methods into the health care field, as well as developing and sharing better methods of patient care.
The regional structure of Kaiser Permanente consists of Kaiser Foundation Health Plans, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and Permanente Medical Groups. These are separate divisions of Kaiser that work together to provide high-quality, affordable, integrated health care. Kaiser Foundation Health Plans administer comprehensive medical and hospital service for individual and group members. The Kaiser Health Plans contract with Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Permanente Medical Groups to provide members with hospital services. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals is a public-benefit corporation that owns and operates hospitals in several states. The corporation also has outpatient facilities in several states. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals provides hospital services and sponsors charitable activities concerning education and research in health care. Permanente Medical Groups are for-profit organizations of physicians, and are responsible for administering necessary medical care. There is at least one Permanente Medical Group within each region served by Kaiser Permanente.
Kaiser Permanente cites several qualities that are offered to members through its health care coverage including prevention, comprehensive benefits, and choice. A focus on maintaining the good health of its patients and preventing serious and expensive treatments for illness or injury is fundamental to the Kaiser Permanente health care system. By providing comprehensive benefits, members of Kaiser are covered for a wide range of health treatment options including hospital and surgical services, diagnostic and lab services, allergy testing, home health care, office visits, emergency care and routine health appraisals.
Kaiser Permanente offers a wealth of online services to its members. Such services include health links on the Internet, drug and health encyclopedias, message boards, prescription refill services, secure mailboxes that members can use to communicate with Kaiser customer service professionals, health calculators, relevant health news and articles.