Group Health is a not-for-profit health care system that offers health insurance coverage, as well as medical care. The Group Health organization consists of Group Health Cooperative, the Group Health Center for Health Studies, Group Health Options, Inc., Group Health Permanente medical group, and Group Health Community Foundation. Together, the Group Health organizations have over eight-thousand employees. According to Group Health, this staff is committed to the transformation of health care, which will be achieved by cooperation in improving the care and well-being of Group Health members, patients, and their communities.
Group Health Cooperative and its subsidiary, Group Health Options, Inc., have over five-hundred-thousand members in Northern Idaho and the state of Washington. Group Health owns medical facilities in which over seventy percent of its members receive health care. Established in 1947, Group Health Cooperative was created by a community coalition with the intention of providing quality health care that could be accessible and affordable for its members. Group Health Cooperative has an eleven member board of trustees that works with management and medical providers to put patients' needs above all else. As a non-profit organization, Group Health Cooperative is consumer-focused. Group Health Cooperative and Group Health Options serve members in twenty Washington counties and two counties in Northern Idaho. Washington subscribers of Group Health Cooperative can select from plans including coordinated care plans for groups or individuals, Medicare plans, Healthy Options Medicaid plans (if eligible), Basic Health plan, and the State Children's Health Insurance Plan. Group Health Permanente doctors and medical staff provide care at facilities owned and operated by Group Health. For certain health plans, and in areas without Group Health facilities, members are treated by a network of over six-thousand community clinicians and hospitals.
The Group Health Center for Health Studies is the research arm of Group Health. The Group Health Center is located in Seattle, Washington and is funded by government and private research grants. With approximately two-hundred full-time and part-time staff members, the Group Health Center conducts epidemiological, health services, and clinical research addressing the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of serious health issues. Over fourteen-hundred scientific journal articles have been published by the Center. The research conducted by the Group Health Center has played a role in Group Health's leadership regarding health issues including breast cancer screening, immunization, and the management of chronic disease. The Group Health Center for Health Studies has collaborated with researchers from the University of Washington, the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center, and similar institutions to publish its scientific journal articles. The Group Health Community Foundation aims to improve child and adolescent health and to promote diversity in the administration of health care. To reach these objectives, the Group Health Community Foundation uses philanthropy, innovation, research, and community partnerships. Group Health programs and other community groups have received over four million dollars, through more than three-hundred grants awarded by the Group Health Community Foundation.
Additional benefits available to Group Health Cooperative members include access to the 'Take Care Store' for quality health care products, the 'Hear Center', the 'See Center', a program to help you quit smoking called 'Free & Clear', a cosmetic dermatology program, as well as programs for weight management.