Family health insurance plans can be purchased, directly from an insurance company or agent, by those without employer-sponsored plans. Much like individual health insurance policies, you will need to thoroughly research your choices before you select one to cover you and your family. Family health plans do not usually cover pre-existing conditions and, if they do, they will only be covered until after a certain period of time. If you select a plan with a low premium, your deductible will be much higher and you will pay more when you have to see a doctor or go to the hospital.
With adults and children to insure, you will want to be sure that the insurance company plan can cover a broad range of medical care. There are plenty of questions to ask, many of which you will not want to consider. Although we all want to keep our families safe, it is better to be prepared for unexpected accidents and illness. For example, if you and your family are involved in an accident, will you be required to pay more than one deductible? Think about whether you will be expanding your family and consider what type of OBGYN and maternity coverage will be provided. If your kids are older, find out how long they will be able to remain on the family health plan.
Most family health insurance plans do NOT cover the following types of medical products and treatments: routine convenience items (humidifiers, bandages, cough syrup), reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries (breast reconstruction is typically covered but circumcisions are considered cosmetic), home care / private nursing, dental care, hearing & vision products (including hearing aids), elective abortions, vasectomies and sterilization, treatment for learning disabilities and behavioral problems, experimental medical treatments, and non-prescription drugs. If you and your family are looking for health insurance coverage, compare carriers operating in your area to find affordable health insurance fast.