Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin, BCBSWI, has been meeting the health care needs of Wisconsin residents since 1940. Offering a broad array of product and coverage options, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin operates as the largest health insurance provider in Wisconsin providing customers with a variety of options and flexibility in meeting their health needs. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin focuses on progressive products and services designed to improve the health of Wisconsin residents. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin and all of its related Wisconsin-based companies employ over two-thousand full-time associates. BCBSWI and CompcareBlue focus on choice, member satisfaction, quality products and services, and consistent financial performance. Compare Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin health insurance plans to find coverage for yourself or your family.
The BCBSA Plans had over one-thousand members in 1929, three million members in 1939, and over eighty-eight million members by 2003. The 'Blue Plans ' continue to grow in enrolment by focusing on its members, and providing top quality, affordable health care coverage. Since its inception in 1966, Medicare has been supported by the BCBSA. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association has helped the program grow to effectively care for elderly and disabled Americans. The Blue System is the largest processor of Medicare claims in the United States. Over fifty percent of all U.S. federal employees, retirees, and their families have been enrolled in BCBSA since the Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959 was enacted by Congress. Blue Cross and Blue Shield has been closely affiliated with Labor since the 1930s and 1940s, and currently provide benefits to more union workers, retirees, and their families than any other national health insurance carrier. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association has established contracts with a greater number of hospitals and physicians than any other insurance company. BCBS health insurance cards are accepted by over eighty percent of hospitals as well as almost ninety percent of physicians in the United States. Join the one in three Americans who have found affordable Blue Cross and Blue Shield health insurance coverage.
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association asserts that the way a company stays competitive is by keeping its employees healthy. Blue Plans allow companies to offer their employees access to the doctors and hospitals that are desirable and convenient for them. Such hospitals and physicians are accessible in both urban and rural areas, within the United States, and in over two-hundred foreign countries. According to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, this quality health insurance coverage will help employers attract and retain valued employees. Over seventy-five percent of Fortune 100 companies and approximately one half of all Fortune 500 companies offer Blue Cross and Blue Shield health insurance coverage to their employees. Some of the corporations that offer BCBS Plans include AT&T, Boeing, United Airlines and Wal-Mart. BCBSA administers coverage through indemnity insurance, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Point-of-Service (POS) plans, as well as Fee-for-Service plans. Whether you are looking for large employer coverage, small business coverage, or individual health coverage, for families without access to group health insurance, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association has a plan to meet your specific needs. Compare health insurance plans and coverage from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, the oldest and largest organization of health benefits companies.
According to the United States Census (2000), almost five-hundred-thousand Wisconsin residents are living without health insurance coverage. This means that over nine percent of the state 's population is uninsured. If you are one of the Wisconsin residents without health insurance, compare BCBSWI plans to find one that is appropriate for you.
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